Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History Was Made

And how glad I am to have been a part of it.
How far we have come, how many heights we have reached, how proud we should be to be Americans.
Last night when watching the election coverage, I just didn't know what to think, exactly. I was sitting at my computer facebook-ing (it's like crack!) and working on my election project, when I heard Lindsay in the family room yell to my mom that Obama had won! I rushed in, and sure enough, the results were in. That moment and the ones following are some of the moments I will not soon forget. As the cameras panned the citizens of Chicago cheering, crying, hugging, I couldn't help but feeling a
swelling of my heart. As I listened to McCain give the most gracious concession speech I'd ever heard from the man accompanied by the remarks of a Georgian Congressman, I couldn't help but feel so proud to be an American. Democracy works. That is all.
How lucky I feel to live in a country that has undergone such drastic changes in the last 50 years. It is so reassuring to know that in this time of economic turmoil, war torn countries, a national debt of 10 trillion plus, and a plethora of other problems, Americans can come together and elect the man for the job. We are overcoming the racism that so seriously plagued our country such a short time ago, and elected the first African American president of the United States. Does this mean that we are getting closer to sitting at that "table of brotherhood" Dr. King spoke so longingly about years ago? I definitely think so.
This election is bringing together the United States of America. Whether you believe in the "change" Obama so fondly (and frequently) speaks of, there is no doubt that the hope he strikes into the hearts of
Americans young and old is contagious.
I have such great expectations for the next 4 years. We are so lucky to live in the United States at this time.

"The road ahead will be long, our climb will be steep.... but I promise you, we as a people will get there."- Barack Obama

Watch the speech


Lindsay Lou said...

Wow, Alyssa,I don't think I even know who was running for president when I was a senior in high school. TImes have changed, teens are more knowledgeable now, and the world is definitely a different place where one needs to be informed and intrigued by what's going on around them. You are that teen!

I'm proud of your eloquence and knowledge - you will go far, me dear!

Oh, and congratulations on the UofU and USU! Now let the offers roll in!!!!

Lindsay Lou said...

Hey, that wasn't Lindsay!!! That was my comment - MOM! OOOPssss!