Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wisdom Wednesday

My wisdom today is the wisdom of one of my dear friends who passed away last week.
WW3o- "No guarantee of tomorrow. How long you gonna live your life, letting moments pass you by?" Brycen Blackburn
As to why death is such a common theme in my life the last few years, I will never understand. Brycen was such a good kid and friend, and I will always remember all the good times we had together. Last week I felt like the whole world was against me- things went awfully. When telling my friend, Corey, all of this, and how I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get away from school to go to his funeral. He simply told me that if it was supposed to happen, it would. Corey is the king of perspective, and I am so grateful for this sparks of wisdom. With his words on the back burner, I juggled 5 tests and quizzes, homework, volunteering, work, and after a lot of rescheduling and re-planning, I finally made it to Idaho Falls on Thursday. The weekend was a blur. It was a blur because of all the tears and sheer emotion I was subject to, but at the same time it was so cleansing to be with those people who understood what I was feeling and who were struggling right there with me. I love my IF friends so much. After the funeral, we decided Brycen would have wanted us to go have fun, so we went dirt camping. It definitely was enjoyable, and good closure to a straining weekend. My wisdom? Follow Brycen's.

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