Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wisdom Wednesday

first off, happy birthday, WW.
it's been a fun run, and quite an interesting way of making myself blog every week... even if it's the only time.
WW[fiftytwo]- when your iclicker falls on the ground, pick it up.
Sounds dumb, right? Not exactly. You see, as of late I am mourning the loss of a very costly and essential piece of equipment I use in 3/5 of my classes- that little remote that professors sneakily utilize to get you to come to class and answer A, B, C, or D.
I can no longer answer A, B, C, or D because today in Chemistry I dropped mine on the ground. Being lazy and too enveloped in my Nutrition textbook to pick it up, (can you tell what a good student I am, multitasking to meet quiz deadlines AND attending class?!) I ended up leaving it in there. I realized this unsettling fact when I was sitting in Stats, waiting for it's iclicker question... and the only reason I even go to that class, by the way. Right after class I went back to Chemistry, but much to my dismay, some dumb BYU student lacking any strand of integrity had taken it.
I'm mad... and now out about 30 bucks for a new, but really used, one.
On the bright side, today is the first day of SPAIN CLASS, which I am off to as of... now.
Happy Wednesday

ummm can I go to Spain tomorrow? Class made me so excited! And I found an iclicker to use til the end of the semester THANK YOU Kelsey.

1 comment:

Diana Cook said...

Is it spin class or spain class?
Anddddddd I'm thinking you should check the lost and found at the information center, or whatever it is called at BYU. That's where people turned in my cat card the three times i lost it and my dorm key as well. haha.
P.S. I' m surprised you didn't bake a birthday cake to celebrate the birthday of Wisdom Wednesday :]] Ha
PSS Everyone here was freaking out about the ending on the bachelor and I thought of you.
Okay I'm done with this mini novel