Monday, May 17, 2010

Day Nineteen

Sunday treated me well today.

This morning we woke up, got ready, and had a pleasantly sunny walk to church. It was fantastic to be able to wear sunglasses and actually feel some warmth. Let me just say that Spain is much more enjoyable when the sun shines.

The walk to church was long, but we’ve basically given up on the buses, seeing as they are unpredictable and the schedules lie. Nope, not bitter.

Spaniards are infamous for being late, so even though we were 5 minutes past 10:30 to our meeting, really we were actually early. When we walked in, the parking lot was still a ghost town, and church didn’t really start for another 10 minutes or so. I love how chill everyone is here… even at school our teacher is always the last one to walk in the door!

After church we went home to lunch. I am always scared for Sunday lunch, because the last two weeks its been something creepy. However, today was actually one of the best meals ever. I don’t know if it was just good because I hadn’t eaten since 9 AM, or if I really did love our “bomba de espinacas”, but it was thoroughly enjoyable. Basically this meal was egg with tomato sauce, spinach, cheese, and other vegetables all cooked and lasagna like. Oh it was delicious and I am definitely going to get the recipe. We ate it with potatoes bathing in vinegar and olive oil, and topped it off with our Magnum bars. So good. I am really growing accustomed to eating eggs and potatoes at every meal… good thing I like them. Pili told me today that I am changing the way she cooks- now she eats more vegetables, and is learning how to make different dishes I will like that are “all natural”. I think Fernando is missing his carne, but eh, he’ll thank me when he doesn’t get cardiovascular disease. (the emphysema will probably get him first… this guy smokes like a chimney)

After lunch it was time to enjoy the sunshine. Alisha, Brittany, Natalie, Rick, and I found a park in Alcalá, and sat there for a good three hours until the sun was completely gone. It felt good to have my hair warmed by the sun, sitting in a nice patch of grass, and having nothing to think about but the flies buzzing around from time to time.

It was great, life is great, Spain is great. 2 days until it’s off to Córdoba, Sevilla, and Granada for the rest of the week!


The Ball Babies said...

Sounds absolutely lovely - I especially love the laid back atmosphere they seem to have over there! I could use some of that right now!!!

Love you!

D said...

When I went shopping at Winco I bought some lentils cause I figured it would be an Alyssa food. My mami cooked it like she used to when we were little and I really really liked it.
That is all ha