Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Free Time= Time With The Candidates

So, I am a HUGE planning nerd, as many may know. My agenda is my best friend. All my lunch commitments are written, the days I work are highlighted, all my homework is boxed, the ongoing countdown of how many more days of school is religiously scribbled, (137 mind you) and only PENCIL can be used. I guess you could say I thrive on being busy and making plans. However, there is something I enjoy from time to time during the week, and that is those empty spaces in my planner. Today was one of those empty spaces. Ahhhh... how good it felt to just come home after XC, shower, read a few pages, doze off on my favorite sleeping couch (yes that's right.. there is one couch that in my living room that puts me to sleep without fail every time!) and then spend some quality time with my friend Barack. Yes, my space was so empty today I watched the presidential debates. Now, don't let me get you wrong,
The lying, the backbiting, the policy. Maybe there is something wrong with me? However, my very favorite thing to do is make fun of the candidates. I love watching McCain and his creeper grin he gets on his face whenever he is concocting a rebuttal, and I love it when he blinks like 50 times per second. And in all fairness, I also like Obama's mole and watching him use his hands like a madman, wondering what he would do if he had to keep them down for fifteen seconds. :) Ha, but anyways, after I get over the mannerisms, and down to the content, I'd say this debate was good because I felt the candidates were a little less ambiguous tonight, and there were hints of solutions to big issues. I wish I was born 5 months earlier so I could vote, but oh, I am still excited to see what November 4th holds for us...

And just remember folks,
Once you go Barack, you never go back :)


The Ball Babies said...

Where oh where did you get that quote at the very end??? Hmmm...

Still undecided. Love, Mom

alyssa said...

haha either I had a dream about it, or I made it up :)

Rachael Diane said...

you are such a quote stealer! its fine. we can both love bob marley. i guess.