Thursday, November 17, 2011

good feeling 17

dating tip #1. not that i am speaking from experience or anything, but if some guy asks you out, it is a good idea to give him your accurate address. i mean, unless you want to take playing hard to get figuratively AND literally. (and that was not my motive, btw) 

so maybe i'm a little dyslexic and mix up my norths and easts. in my defense, it is a known fact that women communicate better by landmarks, not by road signs. 

so maybe i have to ask my roommates what our address is every single time i need to know it. at that exact moment, no roommates were around!

maybe i need to write it down and safety pin it to the inside of all my clothes? i'm thinking that isn't a half bad idea.

day seventeen- i'm at a loss for words of thankfulness. i think i have thankful hangover from the wallet incident yesterday.... today the best feeling is just laying here on my couch and having yogurt in my belly that was the effect of the aforementioned date that actually took place once that poor guy had driven around aimlessly for fifteen minutes while i tried to tell him i lived on streets that didn't exist. oy. sorry, dude. what a trooper, hey- that's a good feeling, right? knowing people won't judge you for your dyslexia? 
i'm stopping this post before it becomes any weirder.


Diana Cook said...

Hellooooooo.....I need deets about this date please!
It should be an unwritten rule that whenever you go on a date, you immediately call me and tell me all about it :) K thanks! Have a wonderful day.

Britni Ward said...

you need to tell me about this date. ASAP.