Friday, November 18, 2011

good feeling 18

i got hit in the face with a flying tshirt shot out of a cannon today.
kelsey and i were at the byu game and i had my face buried in my phone when OOF a flying shirt came and hit me. and everyone in the the crowd made that "oooooooh" noise. what a week, eh?

let me give you a little peek into the the good feelings of today. they are all pretty random.... but i'm feeling list-y. day eighteen here goes

1. it snowed tonight and i'm only okay with that because the flakes were HUGE. i am all about the "go big or go home factor"... even when it comes to snow.

2. i bought big grandpa sweaters at tj maxx. so big.... so boxy.

3. look at this! i love ryan gosling just about as much as the next girl. i love pancakes probably a lot more than the next girl...

4. look these rad shoes. i put them on at the store today and then took them off. then put them on, and took them off. then looked at the price tag.... and put them right back on the shelf.

5.  i think i've eaten variations of this about every day this week sans the meats. it is more or less delicious.

6. i can't wait to pick up my bountiful basket tomorrow. it is going to be like christmas.

7. speaking of food, i am probably going to make a whole batch of this next week to keep me company when my roommates ditch out on me for their homes. homemade gingersnaps are probably happening, too. feel free to drop by...

8. i went on a major shoeshopping binge today online without buying anything, and now all my sidebar ads are taunting me with beautiful boots. maybe its a sign.

1 comment:

Diana Cook said...

#7....can you please make me some when we're in boise??? yum!