Saturday, January 21, 2012

photo a day(s) 15-21

welcome to this week's addition of my life through photo. sit down and put your feet up!

15- happiness. have you seen shiz mormons say? it's definitely a happy moment.
16- morning. this is how life plays out at work for me. i eat hummus and make lists... of things i want to eat and names for my children. awesome.
17- water. water water everywhere at sundance ski!
18- something you bought. this pineapple came in my bountiful basket. did i mention the fact that it is impossible to cut a pineapple without eating about half of it? guilty.
19- sweet. in all senses of the word, this banana chocolate smoothie concoction was SWEET in all senses of the word.
20- someone you love. pizza, unfortunately, isn't a "someone"... but the creator of pizzeria 712 is. yep, love him!
21- reflection. we don't have many reflective surfaces around ye old apt.... so a tv reflection is gonna have to work


1 comment:

Diana Cook said...

Hahaha I literally have watched almost every single variation of "Sh** girls say" except I hadn't seen shiz mormons say haha. Ummm the guy is kinda cute!!! Totally reminds me of my future husband TJ Holmes :)

PS I love how 99.9% of your life and pictures revolves around food haha. It makes me feel like I should step up my bowls of cereal and peanut butter sandwiches.