Monday, February 20, 2012

grab a snack, watch this video.

i play on my computer every day while i'm eating. it's just a thing. breakfast wouldn't be complete without a little worldly connection... nor would my computer be complete without a little banana smeared into the keys. it's fine.

this morning i stumbled upon this, and it was great. this rando girl i don't know goes to bolivia with her family to have her brother's wedding and i loved it. all 20 minutes of it! grab a snack and sit down.

Bolivia Adventures 10.2011 from Hailey Haugen on Vimeo.
i've been doing a lot of sitting the past two days. on friday my friend, corey, and i went night skiing, then when we were too cold that we couldn'f feel the snot dribbing out of our noses we went for a little midnight rock climb at the quarry. oh my aching body. that is all i have to say about both situations. you know when it hurts to turn the steering wheel you'd pushed it a wee  bit too far.

saturday we hung out with our married friend, jordan. she made us cookies and pizza, while we played the wii and watched a movie. we concluded that visiting your married friends is like going to your grandma's. (we love you, jordan)

today is president's day. HAPPY PREZ DAY. i feel like i should eat some cherries to honor washington or tell the truth to honor linc. hmm. i'll probably just do homework. they'd like that, too. 

it snowed, winter is never going to end.
and i'm almost late for spin... the only form of exercise that doesn't completely kill my body. 

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